Dr. Kwadwo Kyereme Frempong
Research Fellow
Research Fellow, Department of Parasitology
Biosafety Officer, Department of Parasitology
Grantsmanship Coordinator, Department of Parasitology
Focus of Work
Development of O. volvulus and S. damnosum genetic markers for delineating onchocerciasis transmission zones
Molecular evaluations of Anopheles mosquitoes in support of the national malaria entomological surveillance
Modelling of Parasitic diseases: Acquisition of Ghanaian onchocerciasis data to validate an onchocerciasis model
Current Projects
Population genetic simulations for tools for onchocerciasis control programmes to determine transmission zones: Part 2 Ghana epidemiological and entomological data (WHO-TDR)
Utility of vector population genetics for delineating O. volvulus transmission: Entomological Component (WHO-TDR)