The primary mission of the Facility Management Unit and mandate is to serve the needs of staff and other visiting scientists by maintaining and improving the physical environment and facilities of Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research. In this role, the Facility Management Unit is under the full support of Administration Department as operations entities, carries out its mission by providing professional support in the areas of Construction, Grounds and Gardening, Electrical works, Plumbing, Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC), Pest Control, Painting, Fire Safety, Welding, Carpentry etc.
Facility Management Unit employees are dedicated to the concept of improving productivity and effectiveness through more efficient use of time and materials, implementation of new technological equipment and improving skills through training and seminars. It is recognized that the major strengths of the Facility Management Unit are the employees and available resources used in the performance of its work. This is strengthened by the support and full commitment of the Administration to provide a well maintained and developed Institute. By this commitment, we are able to provide strong support to the academic research excellence and educational programs of the Institute.
The Facility Management Unit is made up of three sections (Electrical, Mechanical, and Carpentry) with Ten permanent Staff and four attachment trainees drawn from other institutions for training purposes
The Facility Management Unit has provided support to the institute in all equipment and facility maintenance to achieve its research goals.
Maintenance unit has proven its dominance in maintaining the institute’s facilities used for research related work to keep the institute to maintain its world class standard.
The first BSL3 laboratory in the institute and Ghana has been maintained and managed for 20 years now. This Biological Safety Level 3 is a system of series operation relegated to mechanical and electrical systems to achieve the purpose of protecting laboratory personnel, work samples, surrounding environment and community. This has been a supportive system in the entire nation for handling and researching on deadly diseases and viruses like Tuberculosis (TB), Human Immune Virus (HIV), Influenza, etc.
The unit also supports COVID-19 related work by maintaining all equipment in the Advanced Researched Laboratory including the giant wall-built-in Autoclave operation system, Generators, PCR machines, BSL3 Laboratory systems and Bio- Safety cabinets.
The unit has earned an excellent reputation through its diverse initiatives and activities, as core intense training of student to develop advance technological knowledge.
Electrical (HEAD Of UNIT)
Senior Staff
Senior Staff
Senior Staff
Senior Staff
Tradesman Grade I
Tradesman Grade I
Tradesman Grade I
Tradesman Grade I
Junior Staff
Junior Staff
Junior Staff