A five-day practical hands-on training workshop on malaria parasite visualization was held at the Institute in partnership with the Office of Research, Innovation and Development (ORID), through the Building Stronger Universities (BSU-III) and with the Centre for Tropical Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, UG, and University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
The workshop began on 21st November 2022 following a brief opening ceremony, and ended on 25th November 2022. There were a host of skilled and experienced academic, technical and administrative officers from the Universities of Ghana and Copenhagen who handled the teaching and non-teaching aspect of the training.
Participants from various Institutions in Ghana in the first/second year of their respective PhD or MPhil programs whose research interest were in malaria or related infectious diseases attended the workshop, in addition to others from health facilities. The workshop was a practical hands-on training with an emphasis on visualization of the malaria parasite using different diagnostic methods.

At the end of the course, participants were equipped with understanding of all the methods available for diagnosing malaria as well as the underlying principles behind each of the methods, not leaving out their pros and cons. Additionally, the course also covered interesting lectures on malaria including the epidemiology of malaria, mechanism of transmission, effects on human health and methods of prevention. Other lectures also covered national guidelines on antimalarial treatments, drug resistance, and inadequate care for vulnerable populations like expectant mothers, young children, immunosuppressed individuals and non-immune individuals.
The workshop was funded by the Building Stronger Universities (BSU) III Project at the University of Ghana.