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NMIMR-KBTH commemorates World TB Day 2024

As customary, the world celebrates World Tuberculosis (TB) Day on March 24 annually. A day set aside to commemorate the astounding discovery of the TB bacillus by Dr. Robert Koch in 1882. Today, World TB Day represents more than a commemoration of a discovery, it serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing global epidemic […]

Think Quality, Think Research, Think Involvement – NMIMR celebrates Quality Week 2024

The Institute in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has marked Quality Week 2024 under the theme “Think Quality, Think Research, Think Involvement”. The celebration started from 26th February and ended on 1st March, 2024, with most activities taking place at the Institute Conference Hall. The week-long celebration provided a platform to raise staff […]

Mosquito Microbiome Consortium Summer School, 2024

Background Recently, mosquito microbiota has been linked to insecticide resistance in Anopheles mosquitoes which are major vectors of malaria. This further sparks our focus on the microbiota as a potential system for reducing the fitness of mosquitoes, disrupting the development and transmission of parasites and enhancing susceptibility to existing insecticides. To fully exploit these bacteria […]

WHO Polio Emergency Supply Hub Commissioned

The Institute has commissioned an emergency supply hub to store and expedite the timely distribution of supplies for polio-related work and research. The ceremony, which took place on January 30, 2024 at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR), University of Ghana, was for the WHO to officially hand over a storage hub, funded […]


POSITION: RESEARCH ASSISTANTS Malaria case management and vector control remain key interventions in Ghana’s malaria elimination strategy. Since monitoring and surveillance are key components in an effective elimination strategy, monitoring the therapeutic efficacy of antimalarial drugs and the effectiveness of vector control tools will provide great support to the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) strategic […]

First in-person meeting of the Pan-Africa Network for Genomic Surveillance of Poverty Related Disease and Emerging Pathogens (PANGenS)

The Pan-Africa Network for Genomic Surveillance of Poverty Related Disease and Emerging Pathogens (PANGenS) project which officially began in July 2023, has held its first in-person meeting at the Noguchi Memorial institute for Medical Research (NMIMR), University of Ghana. The meeting, held on 16th January, 2024 brought together a consortia of 15 countries; 12 in […]

Workshop to identify new and improved approaches to the study of placental function and pregnancy complications held at NMIMR

The Institute, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge and Action on Preeclampsia Ghana, rolled out a three-day placental research capacity-building workshop from 4th to 6th December, 2023. The workshop under the theme “Enhancing Maternal Health in Ghana through Placental Research” aims to establish a network of individuals with placental research interests in Ghana and identify […]

Strengthening research capacity is key to mitigate current and future disease threats

At the eighth Annual Research Meeting of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR), researchers of the Institute revealed that capacity building is essential to eradicating current and future disease threats.The three-day scientific research meeting organized by the Institute from November 22–24, 2023, under the theme “Strengthening Research Capacity to Mitigate Current and Future […]