Dr. Jewelna Efua Birago Akorli
Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Research Fellow, Department of Parasitology
Focus of Work
Mosquito-microbiota interactions Primary research which focuses on interactions between mosquito-associated endosymbionts and variations in vector competence in natural mosquito populations. Specific interests include: •Elucidating the mechanisms involved in the inter-relationship between bacteria and mosquito-borne parasites. •Characterising the interactions and dynamics in the holobiont (bacteria, fungi, viruses, protists) of mosquitoes to identify the most effective combination of these for pathogen transmission-blocking. •Bionomics and acquisition of microbes by mosquito vectors for novel disease control approaches.
Vector surveillance of arboviral diseases This research centres on Aedes mosquitoes which are very important vectors of diseases like dengue and Zika. Specific themes include: •Diversity of viral infections in Aedes mosquito populations. •Innovative surveillance of Aedes mosquitoes for disease prevention and control in Ghana.
Human gut microbiome and soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) This research focuses on the human gut microbiome interactions with soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) including hookworm and intestinal schistosomiasis. •Identifying microbial biomarkers of STH infections and their co-morbidities. •Defining microbial association with persistent infections, treatment failures and exploiting gut microbiome for innovative treatment strategies.
Current Projects
Elucidating the mechanisms and functions of bacterial-derived mediators on Plasmodium falciparum. Funder: Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellowship Role: PI