Prof. Linda Eva Amoah
Associate Professor
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Immunology
Focus of Work
Malaria transmission biology
Malaria transmission blocking immunity
Cloning, protein production and purification
Malaria diagnostics
Current Projects
Plasmodium falciparum gametocytogenesis in vitro and in vivo Funder: NIH - USA
The role of the mosquito bite on the dynamics and infectiousness-to-mosquito of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum carriers in Ghana Funder: JEAI – France
Assessing the contribution of children over five years of age to malaria transmission in northern Ghana Funder: Northwestern University - USA
Strategies to develop new field blood sample diagnostics Funder: USUHS/HJF – USA
Development of a saliva based malaria diagnostic test kit Funder: Aqsens – Finland
Role of mosquito saliva on Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte conversion rate of and sex ratio Funder: Nkabom – French Embassy
Digital diagnostics for Africa Funder: UKRI
Health and cost effectiveness of an ultrasensitive (NxTEK eliminate) malaria RDT kit Funder: Abbott – USA
Determining whether histidine rich protein gene deletions causing negative HRP2 RDT results among symptomatic patients with confirmed P. falciparum malaria have reached a threshold for change in diagnostic strategy Funder: Global Fund/NMCP Ghana
Pan African Vivax and Ovale Network (PAVON) - Investigation of the determinants of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale infections in Ghana: parasites prevalence and host factors Funder: Merck
Prevalence and factors associated with metabolic syndrome in HIV-infected children and adolescents in Ghana Funder: NIH - USA