Prof. Collins Stephen Ahorlu
PhD, MPhil, MA, BA, Grad. Dip,
HOD, Professor
+233 (0)208195705
Professor, Department of Epidemiology
Head, Department of Epidemiology
Focus of Work
Social and Epidemiology of infectious diseases of public health importance
Socioeconomic determinant of health
Sociocultural and economic impact of development
Maternal, Child and Adolescent health issues.
Current Projects
Stigmatised skin disease. Funder: NIHR, UK
Tracking malaria prevalence in 30 districts in Ghana. Funder: Global Fund/ NMCP
Strategies for the Endgame: Targeting Infections among Non-compliant in the Elimination of Lymphatic filariasis (SENTINEL). Funder: Task Force for Global Health, Inc. (“TFGH”)
Assessing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Ultra-sensitive RDTs and SD Bioline RDTs in diagnosing asymptomatic parasitaemia in an endemic area in Ghana. Funder: Abott
Determining the impact of scaling up mass testing, treatment and tracking on malaria prevalence among children in the Pakro sub district of Ghana.Funder: EDCTP