The effect of mixed green leafy vegetables powder on vitamin A and anaemia status of Ghanaian school children
The effect of mixed green leafy vegetables powder on vitamin A and anaemia status of Ghanaian school children

Project Lead(s)

Senior Research Fellow
Objectives/Research Areas
This study investigated the effect of six months consumption of mixed green leafy vegetables from Amaranthus Cruentus, and Solanum Macrocarpon plants. Specific objectives were assessment of vitamin A and anaemia status of school children four to eight years of age at Kodzobi in Adaklu District of Volta Region, Ghana.
Key Publications
Egbi G*, Glover-Amengor M, Tohouenou MM, Zotor F (2020). Contribution of Amaranthus cruentus and Solanum macrocarpon leaves flour to nutrients intake and effect on nutritional status of rural school children in Volta Region, Ghana. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Volume 2020, Article ID 1015280, 11 pages
Egbi G*, Gbogbo S, Mensah GE, Glover-Amengor M, Steiner-Asiedu M (2018). Effect of
green leafy vegetables powder on anaemia and vitamin-A status of Ghanaian school children.
BMC Nutrition 4:27.
Zotor F*, Egbi G, Gbogbo S, Ofosu W, Agboso F, Harrison E (2017). Mixed Green Leafy
Vegetables Powder Consumption Improved Anaemia Status of Ghanaian School Children.
Annals of Nutr Metabolism 71 (suppl2):1048-1049.
Ziem N*, Egbi G, Steiner-Asiedu M, Armar-Klemesu M 2013. Prevalence and Determinants
of Anaemia Among Older School Children in The Volta Region of Ghana. Annals of Nutr
 Metabolism 63(suppl1):821.
Internal Collaborator(s)
Dr. Irene Ayi, Department of Parasitology
Mr. George Ekow Mensah, Department of Epidemiology
External Collaborator(s)
Prof. Francis Zotor, UHAS, Ho, Ghana
Prof. Matilda Steiner-Asiedu, UG, Ghana
Prof. Kwesi Firibu Saalia, UG, Ghana
Dr. Winfred Ofosu, GHS, Ghana
Mary Glover-Amengor, FRI, CSIR, Ghana