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University of Ghana
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Research Projects
Key Research Activities
Implementing Cervical Cancer Screening Among Women Living with HIV in Ghana (I-CERV-GH)
Investigating the role and impact of Nano-sized Extracellular VesiclEs and dRug RESisTance in protozoans (The i-NEVER REST project)
Malaria genomics
Pan-Africa Network for Genomic Surveillance
NIINE Research Project
Determining the impact of scaling up mass testing, treatment and tracking on malaria prevalence among children in the Pakro sub district of Ghana
Biomarkers of systemic and placental dysfunction in preeclampsia
The impact of hepatitis B co-infection on T cell responses in virologically suppressed HIV patients on ART in Ghana
Determining the Role of Fc gamma Receptor (FCGR) gene polymorphisms in HIV infection progression and treatment outcomes in Ghanaian Adults
Anti-pathogen and toxicological effects of BEEMAR®- A natural honeybee and enhanced marine plasma product
Corona Virus immune epitope discovery
Comparative assessment of immunological responses to different COVID-19 vaccines
Immunological support for on-going clinical trials at NMIMR
Malaria vaccine antigen discovery
African Pathogen Genomics Initiative (Noguchi Africa CDC/WHO Regional Sequencing Hub): HIV drug resistance profile, SARS-CoV-2 and Bacterial Infections in Persons Living with HIV
Gamma delta T cells and naturally acquired immunity to malaria in neonates
Targeted Next Generation Sequencing as a tool for large-scale early diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism in Ghana
Functional Immuno-genetic Correlates of Immunity to Malaria
Molecular surveillance of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and Plasmodium ovale in Ghana
Assessing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Ultra-sensitive RDTs and SD Bioline RDTs in diagnosing asymptomatic parasitaemia in an endemic area in Ghana
Genetic Determinants of Susceptibility to Sars-Cov-2 and Severity of Covid-19 Outcomes Among Ghanaians
Strategies to Develop New Field Blood Sample Diagnostics
Characterization and role analyses of classical human leucocyte antigen in HIV molecular epidemiology, drug resistance and Molecular adaptation in Ghana
Evaluation of the detection of malaria parasite species and anti-malarial resistance in uncomplicated malaria patients using a point of care digital diagnosticÂ
AQSENS Saliva Project – A Method to Manage and Eradicate Infectious Diseases
Determining whether histidine rich protein gene deletions causing negative HRP2 RDT results among symptomatic patients with confirmed P. falciparum malaria have reached a threshold for change in diagnostic strategy
The role of the mosquito bite on the dynamics and infectiousness-to-mosquito of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum carriers in Ghana
Assessing the contribution of children over five years of age to malaria transmission in Northern Ghana.
NTD Research Group
Supporting the Development of a Drug Discovery Hub in Ghana
Genomic Surveillance of enteric viruses
Computer-Aided Drug Discovery Program For NTDs Control
Plasmodium falciparum Gametocytogenesis in vitro and in vivo
Skin Health African Research Programme
Surveillance of antimalarial drug resistance in Ghana
Infectious Diseases (Epidemiology, Disease Ecology, Diagnostics)
Drug resistance in malaria infection
Determination of the genetic diversity of histidine rich proteins 2 and 3 (hrp2 and hrp3) gene mutations in Plasmodium falciparum populations in Ghana
The Pan African Vivax and Ovale Network (PAVON): Investigation of the determinants of Plasmodium vivax and P. ovale infections in Ghana: parasites prevalence and host factors.
Mechanisms of antimalaria drug resistance development in Plasmodium falciparum: the role of extracellular vesicles in parasite-parasite communication
Immune mechanisms and host receptor polymorphisms in HIV infection and other infectious diseases
Genetic polymorphisms associated with antimalaria drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum population in Ghanaian
Vaccine Studies: Clinical Trials for Enteric Virus Vaccines
Measuring the Impact of Rotavirus Vaccines on Paediatric Antibiotic Usage
SafeFish: Improving Tilapia Health to Optimize Yields
The Human Heredity and Health in Africa Kidney Disease Research Network (H3A-KDRN) Genome Laboratory
Newborn Screening For Sickle Cell Disease
Biomonitoring And Control of Environmental Toxicants: Heavy Metals And Mycotoxins
Drug Interactions
Anti-COVID-19 Studies
Antimalarial Studies
Anticancer Studies
Effects of composite foods powder powder intake on nutritional anaemia and growth status of young Ghanaian children under five years of age in Adaklu District, Volta Region, Ghana
The effect of mixed green leafy vegetables powder on vitamin A and anaemia status of Ghanaian school children
Supplementation Trial of KokoPlus for HIV exposed children in Accra
Nudging for Good
HIV Cure Research Infrastructure Study Group (H-CRIS)
COVID-19 diagnosis
Poliovirus surveillance in Ghana
Molecular Epidemiology of Respiratory Syncytial Viruses in Ghana
National Tuberculosis Control Programme Sputum transport and TB drug-resistant Survey
Early Life Microbiome of Ghanaian Infants
Impact of COVID 19 Control Measures on Health Systems Functioning (UKRI)
Food / Water Safety and One Health
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Diarrhoea Surveillance
Basic Tuberculosis Research
Gut Microbiome
One Health Research on Tuberculosis
Epidemiology and Transmission
COVID 19 and Co-infections
Pneumonia and Meningitis: Towards Vaccine Development
Tuberculosis Comorbidity
Paediatric Tuberculosis
Point of Care Diagnostic Tool Development
Clinical Buruli Ulcer Diagnosis, Trainings & Interventions
COVID-19 (Sampling and Diagnostics)
Lymphatic Filariasis
Neglected Tropical Diseases (Epidemiology, molecular biology, Drug discovery)
Vector Surveillance and Control
Mosquito Microbiome Interactions
Buruli ulcer (Epidemiology, Transmission, Disease Management)
Ticks and tick-borne diseases
Multi-Target Anti-Malaria Development from Medicinal Plants
Insecticide Resistance
Molecular Epidemiology of Dengue Fever & Chikungunya Viruses
Surveillance for Influenza Viruses
Buruli Ulcer Wound Care
Basic Tuberculosis Research